Another week means another Release Radar. This week was filled with a little bit of both, some alright, some bad and some real good ones! Here's my top 10 favs this week:
If you read my Best Music 2018, you know that I mentioned Conor Maynard as one of my fav from the whole year, and also a person I wish I'd get more music from? Well, he's back with Alok to bless me once again. This song is so like comfy? It's just so soft to listen to, I love it!
Haven't heard any of these people before, but this song was nice and jammy. And once again, it's a typical Ferniie song, so it'll go into my list and hopefully we'll get more of these two.
This guy right here is Swedish, he was in the Swedish X Factor in 2012 where he took us all by storm. Haven't heard too much from him since then, a few singles and an album. But this song was really nice, maybe we'll get more from him this year?
Mike Perry, the man of the best Perfect Remix, the producer of so so many amazing songs. Also, a man from Sweden, proud swede over here. This man deserves so much more fame than he's got. Almost all of his songs are like this one, just so good you dig your head to and get so happy. If you haven't heard of him before, here's you go: The Ocean, Hands, Rise & Fall, Body To Body. These are just a few, some you might've heard, some not. But go listen, you'll thank me later.
Papa Roach just dropped a whole album, which I will go through and pick out my favs, but this one was one my RR and if the album is anything like this, I know I will love it. We got a few songs last year, but no album. I'm glad they're back, and I'll tell you if I find some jams on their album.
Started listening to the song and was like, meh it's alright. But the more I heard it, the more I liked it. I didn't know the artist LSD before, so I googled it and learned that it's a group consisting of Labrinth, Sia & Diplo that started at the end of last year. This song came out last year, but the Lil Wayne remix came out now, haven't heard the original before this, but it's the same song, just without Lil Waynes rap. But it's a good song & I can't wait to hear what LSD has for us this year.
Alright this group right here have brought out jam after jam since I found them, and this song aint no different. It's just a typical Ferniie song, really really love this one!
Another one who's taken me by storm, James TW, man his voice is just so amazing to listen to. Say Love was a fav from last year, and this one goes in those same tracks, so so so good!
Kate Ryan, I swear y'all have heard of her, not her name maybe but her hit Elle Elle L'a, go listen and you'll have it on your mind for the rest of the day, haha. But she's back with Sam Feldt on this great song. Sam Feldt, as you know from my former RR's, he did Way Back Home with Conor Maynard that i absolutely loooove! this song was nice too, not as good but still alright.
Lost Kings are at it again, I mean, didn't they think that last week was alright, maybe give some fame to some of the other songs out there in the world? Nah, they're blessing me with this one too. It's just a good one, and the lyrics are quite good to, I mean:
And fuck you for every time That you got under my skin
What did you think? Found any good ones this week?
Was my favs good or did I miss anyone you liked?
Here's the whole list, comment with your favs.
Until next week,